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Guild Guidlines

Posted: February 18th, 2007, 10:17 am
by Joesph
Forged Alliance is a mature guild, built on integrity and common courtesy. Due to recent situations a need for clear expectations has arisen. So in light of this, the founders of Forged Alliance have decided it was time to lay down some ground rules and, as members of the guild we must uphold First to define mature as it suits the desire of the guild; When we refer to mature we don't necessarily mean older, but able to deal with situations like an adult (ie. Not spamming channels, not using racial or discriminatory language....). Rules: Major: When out in the world you are wearing our tags, uphold our standards Treat others with respect, unless they're horde Treat all members of the guild with respect, if you have an issue with a member please approach an officer (founder, vetern). When in any channel that is not locked, you must act as it if it were a public channel. Minor     1. Ventrilo is a requirement even if you don't have a mic you need to listen     2. Registering for the forums and forums activity is requirement, alot of information is posted there