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Posted: March 18th, 2008, 6:53 pm
by WhatOnceWas
Hey~ Name: John
IRL Age:17
Character Name:Whatoncewas
Spec:Feral(with kara resto gear)
Trade skills:375 skinning 358 eng
Heroic Keys:all keys
Karazhan Key? ya
PvP or PvE focus? PVE What is your raid experience (none is fine, we're just trying to get a measure)?
Kara, Gruuls, and a little SSC, and some ZA
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
I'm still in La Guillotine, waiting to hear from you guys. I'm leaving because ive been there awhile, and they don't plan on moving from kara for a long time, and id rather move ahead.
Do you know anyone in our guild currently?
Yes, i know Rockmunster (IRL) and i know Dpr, and aku
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
This is my main, and i have a 59 mage alt.
What are your play times?
Mostly every day.
Anything you want to tell us?
I'm here to raid! make friends and have a good time.
Anything I missed?
Just like to add, that iwas in your guild along time ago, but i couldnt meet any of the raid times. But now my scheduel has changed!  


Posted: March 20th, 2008, 9:12 am
by Drumble
Since this thread has like 30 views and no one responded yet -- I figured I would. Personally I get a weird vibe from people leaving and coming back.  I don't remember the circumstances to be perfectly honest, but I don't remember it being bad - just abrupt, and right about the time we were trying to get enough people together for our 25-mans, it's a punch in the face.  However, as someone else pointed out in our officer forum, as long as it was on good terms it shouldn't weigh on the decision. What did strike me is that I spoke with someone else in the guild that instanced with you and you pulled a "brb 2 min" and they waited for 15 before giving up on you.  That strikes me as pretty self serving, I'd hate to have that in my raid.  Combine that with your reasoning that your current guild (>200 members, 2 geared MT warriors at least) isn't "progressing fast enough" for you, makes me give this a "meh" at best.  Sounds like it's all about what you want .. and when you're ready to move on, you're going to. Do I have a wrong impression?  I'm afraid someone else is going to have to be more enthusiastic than I ...  I'm not saying "no", but I'm not going to take point on this.


Posted: March 20th, 2008, 7:06 pm
by WhatOnceWas
I'm sorry if i went AFk in an isntance and didn't come back something came up. and i probly couldnt haver gotten back. I apologize those you i made wait. Any my previous guild, i didn't leave because they weren't progressing. I joined that guild with my gear i have now. I joined the to help. they were all friends, and i was helping out with there new kara group get on it's way.i was there a few months and now that the groupis up and running. i felt the need for change. I am still friends with all the people in that guild. i talk to them all the time. I left wih no enemies. and i know that if i do get into FA i will have to earn my right for 25 man raids. and im willing to do so. I'm sorry if u had the wrong impression of me. it makes me feel horrible. If u wanna talk to me feel free to pst me ingame. Looking forward to hearing from you~


Posted: March 21st, 2008, 7:51 pm
by starsaver
i'm going with Mason on this one. the only other thing i want to add is we've got 3+ superb ferals already and i don't think Jeff or myself will be respeccing anytime soon.... Boomkin anyone....?


Posted: March 23rd, 2008, 6:45 am
by Benvolo
For the reasons stated above, your application has been rejected.  Thank you for applying.   Benvolo