Forged Alliance Guild Guidelines and Policy

guild news, policies, and raid information
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Forged Alliance Guild Guidelines and Policy

Post by Han » February 25th, 2008, 8:56 am

Welcome to Forged Alliance policy and guidelines.  We are a very laid back, friendly group of people brought together to kill big bad bosses.  There are only a couple of rules you need to follow to help us kill the aforementioned baddies, and I will list them here. Language - Please keep any offensive language to yourself. Treat guild chat (and vent) as a family setting - we have people from all corners of the earth and of all ages in our guild. When out in the world, you have a Forged Alliance tag floating above your head.  You are personally representing each of us, so please treat other players with respect (except horde) Language that will get you GKicked faster than you can kill a murloc (if used in public):  Racial slurs (the n word etc), derogatory comments relating to sexual orientation (gay, fa*, etc), wanton and gratuitous cursing (we all drop the occasional f-bomb), overtly sexist language (again, a family environment). Loot - we have raiding loot policies in place, please abide by them when in 25 man raids.  All decisions made by the Raid Leader are final.  If you think something is fishy, please speak up, but don't argue about it with the Raid Leader during the raid.  Post something here and we will discuss in a mature way. Invites - our guild is open to anyone who wants to join.  Please tell them to apply on this site and we will get them in.  Raid spots are a different story, and will be handled on a case by case basis  

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