guild server transfer?!?

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guild server transfer?!?

Post by draven » March 25th, 2017, 7:30 am

greetings! i'm curious to get other people opinions on server transferring the guild. for a variety of reasons this is not something i consider lightly, but it is an option i've thought about for a long time.
my current thoughts on the subject are:
- with the exception of expansion and sometimes patch launches, we consistently struggle to have enough people in guild to build a feasible raid group capable of progression.
- being in a central time server cluster is not helpful since most of us are west coast. the majority of the server population isn't available to raid during our raid times and shifting our raid times earlier hasn't been agreeable to everyone.
- being on a pvp server on which we are excessively outnumbered by horde has never been much fun but legion has made it significantly worse.

as most of you are aware i can be somewhat stubborn about some things, and that includes remaining loyal to the server i've played on for the entirety of my wow adventures, the people here i've played with, and the guild i've called home for the vast majority of that time. however, the thing i enjoy most about this game is raiding with the friends i've made over the years, and that seems to be no longer possible on our current server despite trying just about everything i can think of to maintain a raid group.

my current idea is to transfer back to a pacific time server / cluster with a much higher alliance population, and potentially to a pve server.

there are several barriers to this idea, the primary one most likely being cost. the guild has been around for almost ten years and a lot of us are pretty entrenched on the server. the ability to use gold for transfers helps somewhat, but i may also investigate the possibility of getting free or heavily discounted transfers from blizzard.

if anyone has any opinions on the subject, please convey them. if this idea seems not terrible i will start to investigate potential destinations. if you have any questions, please let me know. thanks!

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by pvtpile » March 25th, 2017, 9:23 am

I've been bouncing the idea around in my head but I tend to ride things like this out till they die and I didn't want to jump ship. I'm game

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by Tsuni » March 25th, 2017, 1:10 pm

It's very, very tempting, especially to a PvE server! I personally don't know how interested I would be to going to another PvP server at this point.

Only concern is it'd cost a lot to bring alts too. I could see having FA Destro as the old home base, with the idea of bringing a main to the other server. Then could transfer any others as one feels like. The only negative, based on the FAQ, is Destro's guild level resets.

Nice thing with how connected everything is, is that we can still have interactions between FA Destro and FA New. Like if someone wanted to bring an alt they didn't want to pay to transfer, we could still invite them to a guild event (sans Mythic).

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by Waterdrop » March 26th, 2017, 12:59 pm

I would love to switch to a PvE server. I think not progressing or struggling to get enough people to even attempt progression really hacks away at my motivation to play the game, so it's a spiral downwards towards losing interest. It has been like this for a while so I would support the more drastic changes if it means we won't have to worry about not having enough people.

Yeah, the alts situation would be less than ideal but it would be a willing sacrifice in my opinion.

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by thandrenn » March 26th, 2017, 8:09 pm

I'd very much be in favor of transferring to a PvE server.

I've been considering moving my main for a few weeks now and even gold-bought two tokens and changed them into Blizzard cash. The current sale has me even more considering it.

Destromath has been my home server for most of my WoW adventures, likewise for Forged Alliance. I wasn't sure if a new server with more people would make me want to play more, but I know I'm so done with being insanely outnumbered in PvP and Blizzard doing stupid shit like putting the Pandaria Timewalking vendor on the Timeless Isle. I'd probably only really transfer my main though. Maybe alts if I bother with them, but I haven't even felt like leveling anymore.

It seems like a good idea.

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by Boosted7M » March 27th, 2017, 7:01 am

Hey all,
I haven't put much thought into this due to just dealing with it. I understand that the population thing would surly benefit from the proposed move but being on the east coast with you guys isn't that bad with the central time zone. I'm sure that the west coast time would hinder it more difficult with work unless some of the days changed due to my work schedule. I think that the move to a more balanced or Alliance heavy server/PvE would be 110% beneficial. I know you don't/cant cater to one person but I thought id share it at least to see if there are other people in similar situations. I love raiding with you guys, and until I found you guys it was rough to find a good home lol. Depending on what is to come I plan on staying either way but it would dictate if I can stay part of the progression team (almost fulfilled my goal of that w/raider rank and ilvl) or be around for a fill in here and there or part of the casual team/WoW shenanigans. Finally got a place and getting set back up with internet and such so I have a lot of catching up to do as this took WAY longer than it should have due to my 2 Danes haha. Looking forward to playing with you guys again!! Oh, what kind of timeline would something like this entail? Have heard of it happening but never been part of a guild worth transferring with until now.

Justin :D

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by Felht » March 28th, 2017, 1:24 pm

Guild transfer is a tough situation. I haven't been active for the last few months but that might change soon. Only regular/main raiders + few others would transfer, leaving behind most of the guild. I imagine the guild would be basically dead on Destromath and only maintained with peoples' alts that aren't transferred, and only a small group would be on the new server - but the raid roster could easily be filled. Also people who have a lot of alts would be kinda screwed.

Despite that, I would transfer. PvP server sucks as alliance, and being unable to maintain a raid roster on dead server sucks. My new work schedule makes raiding very difficult on tues/thurs so I just unsubbed for a few months. Rather not play then find new people to play with sort of thing.

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by draven » March 29th, 2017, 8:00 am

greetings! to clarify things a bit, here is the blizzard info page on guild transfers:

based on my understanding of things the current guild would be reset to essentially be a new guild. therefore on azgaharadestrolord :
- the guild bank will be empty (with the exception of whatever i store on fabank)
- all guild achievements will be reset
- items from the guild vendor earned from achievements will no longer be available (pets, mount, boas)
- the guild name may or may not be reset

the transferred guild will apparently have ranks as well as achievements in progress reset, which would affect the classy achievements and i assume anything with a count attached to it. as far as schedules, things would only change relative to server time, i don't expect to change raid times or anything. the transfer itself should only take a couple hours once initiated, if we decide to go ahead with the process i would like to do so relatively soon so we can hopefully catch up in nighthold progression so we are ready for tomb of sargeras, as well as get ahead of the curve gul'dan.

it seems like the general opinion of this idea is favorable so i will start to investigate destinations, most likely a pve realm since that seems to be preferred. if you've any suggestions, please let them be known, and thanks for your feedback!

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by thandrenn » March 29th, 2017, 5:59 pm

I was looking at Undermine / Anvilmar because The Old Timers Guild (which I'm a member of on GW2, STO and their WoW Horde chapter)


Argent Dawn / The Scryers because The Riders of Rohan (a guild who has a podcast that I watch).

Mostly because I know of those. I haven't fully researched either yet nor decided 100% whether or not I want to transfer (separately, will def move a toon with the guild). But though might be options.

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by pvtpile » March 30th, 2017, 4:39 pm

Name PvP RP Region Time Zone Alliance Horde A/H Ratio Total
Stormrage PvE Normal United States America/Los_Angeles 733,894 35,871 20.459 769,766
Sargeras PvP Normal United States America/Los_Angeles 659,542 50,678 13.014 710,220
Proudmoore PvE Normal United States America/Los_Angeles 504,484 85,592 5.894 590,077
Dalaran PvE Normal United States America/Los_Angeles 499,760 337,458 1.481 837,221
Darkspear PvP Normal United States America/Los_Angeles 496,282 135,474 3.663 631,757
Kel'Thuzad PvP Normal United States America/Los_Angeles 478,769 36,769 13.021 515,538

Kind of like how proudmore looks myself

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by draven » May 6th, 2017, 9:18 am

greetings! my apologies for slackering on this. after a bit of research based on mr. pile's list above and realmpop and wowprogress:

it seems our best options are probably:
stormrage (eastern)
dalaran (eastern)
proudmoore (pacific)
lightbringer (pacific)
aerie peak (pacific)

these are all pve realms, ordered by highest population to lower population

on these servers, a forged alliance guild exists on three of them:
aerie peak: ... 0alliance/
proudmoore: ... 0alliance/
stormrage: ... 0alliance/

but does not on two of them:
lightbringer: ... 0alliance/
dalaran: ... 0alliance/

i think proudmoore is probably the best option realm-wise, but transferring there would probably require changing the guild name, which i don't have a lot of interest in doing unless someone has an idea for a new name that is agreeable to everyone, is good enough to convince me to update the web site / forums, and doesn't make me sad that we aren't forged alliance anymore. the only thing i can think of is forged alliance 2 or forged alliance pm or something along those lines.

i think the best option overall is probably lightbringer, as it meets all of the criteria i think we are looking for: pve, pacific time, relatively high alliance population, does not have an existing forged alliance guild

please share your opinion on these options, or any others you may have. if you have any questions, please let me know. thanks!

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by ZanZ » May 6th, 2017, 12:51 pm

I've been on Dalaran for about 6 months.
The population is pretty huge due to it being labelled a "New Players" server and there's a lot of people looking for guild. I doubt you'd have much trouble filling a raid team for getting back into mythics, although I can't speak to the quality of any of these people as raiders.
Also, I haven't noticed anything particularly toxic about the server as a whole, it's a pretty cool place.

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by pvtpile » May 6th, 2017, 6:22 pm

I'm good with Dalaran. Pop is a lot bigger than light bringer. Downside is Zanz is there.... :lol:

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by Tsuni » May 6th, 2017, 7:13 pm

Ya my only concern with Dalaran would be the eastern time on the server.

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by draven » May 6th, 2017, 7:27 pm

Tsuni wrote:Ya my only concern with Dalaran would be the eastern time on the server.
same, it may not be an issue on a higher population realm, but among the reasons why i want to get off our server is that the majority of people on the server aren't available to raid during our raid times.

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by pvtpile » May 6th, 2017, 7:48 pm

Eastern time... poop!
Forged Alliance Part Deux

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by Tsuni » May 6th, 2017, 8:22 pm

I like Proudmore's stats, but i get it it'd be a bummer to change guild name. Only thing I can think of is Reforged Alliance or Forged Alliances.

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by draven » May 6th, 2017, 8:34 pm

pvtpile wrote: Forged Alliance Part Deux
i like this, but i suspect it may exceed the maximum guild name length :(

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by thandrenn » May 6th, 2017, 10:34 pm

Either would be agreeable to me.

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Re: guild server transfer?!?

Post by draven » May 6th, 2017, 10:40 pm

Tsuni wrote: Reforged Alliance
i missed this before somehow, but this is pretty good as well.

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