raid progression path

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raid progression path

Post by draven » June 25th, 2015, 3:37 am

greetings! i will preface this by saying that i am open to suggestions and opinions on this subject, and i may or may not elaborate on this at a later point in time.

based on tuesday's raid and everything i've read since then, i'm currently of the opinion that blizzard is potentially setting a new standard for raid progression, or maybe is just being weird. in the past, the first boss or two of the next tier was generally easier than the last boss of the previous tier. this does not appear to be the case in hellfire citadel, as it seems like heroic hellfire assault is tuned to be a progression boss relative to heroic blackhand. i would like to test this theory in thursday's raid. based on what i've seen the general consensus is that the minimum ilvl should be somewhere between 690 and 695, which again means that i probably get to disappoint and / or piss off people by benching them.

that said, i think it is likely that i need to be less stubborn and we will need to run normal mode at some point, since i'm guessing our current progression point is probably nine or so bosses into normal. i kind of hate that and i still don't have much interest in spoiling the last half of the raid in normal mode, but i think it will be useful to pick up some upgrades gearwise and if nothing else not fall behind on legendary quests. my current thought is to clear 6/13 or 9/13 normal to see how that works out and then go from there. a side effect of this plan is that the raider rank requirement will probably be raised to 690 once we've got things sorted out.

there are normal mode invites up for friday, sunday, and monday. i don't expect or intend to raid all three days, but it would be nice if we could get a consistent group going at least one day a week. if you have a preference on which day, please let it be known. thanks!

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Re: raid progression path

Post by Recette » June 25th, 2015, 6:59 pm

I'll write something when I get home.


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Re: raid progression path

Post by draven » June 25th, 2015, 7:28 pm

this may be moot since they've already nerfed hellfire assault: ... -6-25-2015

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Joined: February 18th, 2014, 3:36 pm

Re: raid progression path

Post by Ryzuken » June 26th, 2015, 7:16 am

Seems like the nerf did indeed make this not a thing. I think if we can do some normals on weekends like you have currently setup that it will help out. Not only for some upgrades but just experience with the fights.

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