~*Flasks For Tonights Gruul*~

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~*Flasks For Tonights Gruul*~

Post by Kaittlynn » December 4th, 2007, 2:00 pm

Hey guys.  I don't know how many people plan on bringing their own flasks tonight, but I just thought that I would mention that the bank is just about empty.  I don't know who will all be on tonight b4 hand to try to go do the flask event, but it would be really nice if we could get it done!  so #1--We need to get flasks b4 the raid! #2-  Just a few small reminders:  * Potions.  Health and Mana Potions as well as Dreamless Sleep Potions if you want to try that method.  (I know I hate running out of mana potions) *Ammo.  Make sure you have the right gear on, the right weapons with you and most importantly-- if you need ammo (ie ARROWS)  make sure that you have plenty to last our raid!  *Food.  Make sure that you have Food that will buff you (Mage food is nice, but it cant give you any extra stats...If you dont quite get the food buff thing, ask an officer and they will be happy to help you figure out which is the best food for you).  ie  Blackened Baskilisk, Golden Fish Sticks etc *Repair.  Make sure that you are fully repaired before you come tonight, lets maximize our time from the beginning.  Wipes will probably happen and we may as well start off on a clean plate so that we don't have to repair after the first or second wipe.  *Weapon Buffs.  Make sure that you come with the right Posions (I really don't know anything about this other than I see Mahonri put them on), Mana Oil, Wizard Oil, and whatever else there is.  I am sure that all other classes have things as well that they need to prepare, I just do not know what they are specifically.  If you are not aware of what I am talking about, find me in game, or one of the Officers.  They can help you figure out which is the appropriate enhancement for you. **Keep in mind,  with the new additions to the guild, we probably will not need to Pug out.  Also keep in mind that there is a possibility in the future of there not being enough spots for everyone.  I know that people have different goals with the game.  I am about getting to see End of Game Content.  Make sure that you come prepared!  If we get the flasks done, that won't be a worry, but it is important that everyone comes prepared.  I don't know what will happen in the future, however if Raid Leaders end up having to choose who stays and who goes, I would imagine that they will take those that come prepared vs not prepared.   I am not pointing fingers, because I don't really watch who is prepared and who isn't.  But if you feel like a finger is pointed at you, take heart and come psyched and prepared tonight!  Woot!~ Anything I left out?   Kaittlynn/Jazzmynn  

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